Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Thermomix Menu Plan - February 6th

Wow. Wow wow wow. First things first, let me apologise for the relative inactivity on my blog and my facebook page. It has been a crazy-busy (albeit fun) start to the year, and the crazy/busy/fun is only just getting started! Today we said goodbye to my big sis (who went back to her home-way-from-home in Berlin after visiting us for 10 days), and also said hello to my little sis (who came back from a holiday in England but wishes she lived there). I'm feeling a bit ripped off, actually. I had both my sisters together for a grand total of... four hours? Not cool.

Anyway, there are some seriously exciting things on the table (literal and metaphorical) for this year, and the more distant future. On the literal table will be demo menus served by yours truly, as I am now officially a thermomix consultant! Hooray!!! And on the metaphorical table are some very exciting plans to do with my job. Big plans. Big, exciting, wonderful plans involving business meetings and the realisation of hopes and dreams!
Oh, and uni starts in three weeks. I should sound more excited about that... And hooray, uni starts in three weeks, I can't wait! Was that more convincing? ;)
Busy busy busy! I think I'm going to have to get used to surviving on less sleep. I am absolutely a eight nine-hours-a-night kind of gal. And we're not talking desired hours, we're talking biologically necessary hours. I absolutely struggle to function on any less, and everybody struggles to have a good day consequently. But I'm just going to have to suck it up and not be such a grump, aren't I?
I'm still going to menu plan amongst all the chaos, you can count on that - menu planning is especially crucial during busy chaotic times. Therefore, I'm still going to plan on posting my menu plan. And I'm going to aim for at least 1 recipe posted between menu plans. I want YOU! to hold me accountable for that, okay loyal readers?

I'm still going to post this week's menu plan, even though both Monday and Tuesday are virtually finished (and I actually can't for the life of me remember what I ate yesterday, I can only remember dinner!). I need to get back into the groove, the 'routine' has been way out of whack lately. So here is this week's partially-completed menu plan!

breakfast: I can't remember
lunch: I just remembered! Pumpkin soup and virtual bacon dust (from In the Mix) at thermomix training - it was so yummy! But I've looked into dashi powder, as I hadn't heard of it before... Apparently it can pack quite an MSG-punch. I'm going to look into making my own from dried shiitake mushrooms or the likes.
dinner: family dinner out to farewell my sis - I had wood roasted barramundi on top of wood roasted japanese pumpkin, watercress, sunflower seeds and sheep's milk feta. It was yuuuummy!

breakfast: a big fry up (again as a farewell for my sis) - bacon, scrambled eggs with mushies, and southern style shredded hash browns
lunch: cherry tomatoes, cucumber, snow peas, salami, nuts
dinner: demo menu (I did a trial run)

breakfast: green smoothies
lunch: spinach-mint triangles, veggie sticks and leftover hommus, leftover beetroot salad
dinner: not sure yet, possibly a curry with mock rice and spelt tortillas
essentials: cake or biscuits to freeze for lunchboxes, cashew milk

breakfast: banana 'ice cream' smoothies (I don't think I've blogged this recipe yet, but I really must; there's actually no ice cream involved, and they're delicious and easy deliciously easy.)
lunch: fennel, carrot and orange salad for me; a spinach-mint triangle plus veggie sticks and cherry tomatoes for T
dinner: pizza (probably either salami or vegetarian, whatever we have lying around really)
essentials: pizza dough; tomato paste; mini pizzas to freeze for lunchboxes

breakfast: green smoothies and fresh fruit with yoghurt
lunch: leftovers for me; mini pizza and veg sticks for T
dinner: okonomiyaki (from In the Mix; freeze most of the leftovers for lunchboxes)

breakfast: CADA with fresh juice (whatever fruits/veg we have left)
lunch: salami and veggie sticks with leftover dips
dinner: at a farewell dinner for an amazing friend; bring a plate, so T and I will take along some dips and hopefully some crackers, as well as that tomato-based pasta with steamed veg and feta cheese (from the GF cookbook, can't remember what the recipe is calles though...)

breakfast: green smoothies
lunch: leftover okonomiyaki plus cucumber sticks and cherry tomatoes
dinner: I'll be doing a late arvo demo, so T will have lamb cutlets and veg with my folks, and I'll have leftovers when I get home

That's the menu plan as it stands; hopefully a lot more essentials will work their way into it! Don't forget to head over to Quirky Cooking and check out the other menu plans for this week!
And please forgive me for any spelling mistakes and/or excessive rambling. It's way past my bedtime, and I'm not even going to proof-read this one. Goodnight! :)

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