Sunday, 15 January 2012

Thermomix Menu Plan - January 16

Oops. I've seriously neglected the blog this week. I have a couple of recipes from this past week that I absolutely must blog sometime soon (including the most delicious and more-ish slow-cooked lamb shanks). But we've just moved, and now my phone is MIA and I've lost the food photos that were on there. I'll get there eventually.

However, one exciting and very relevant thing I did this week was to purchase a menu planner from Kikki.K. Honestly though, I'm in two minds about it. It's not wipe-off; you use one page every week. That seems pretty wasteful to me. However, it is seriously cute and has a handy magnet on the back so I can easily whack it on the fridge. I'm thinking I'm going to laminate a few of the pages, and that way they will be transformed into instant wipe-off menu plans! Hooray! And it has sections for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks - so hopefully my menu plans will get a lot more detailed so I don't have empty spaces on my menu plan sheet. Double hooray!

breakfast: sulphite/nitrate/etc-free bacon, scrambled eggs with mushrooms, and southern-style shredded hash browns, with fresh orange juice
lunch: jam rolls, cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes and snowpeas
dinner: mushroom and pine needle risotto
dessert: raw pumpkin cherry ginger parfaits, based on this recipe
essentials: spelt knot rolls (using Jo's Spelt Challah recipe, with less water); raw almond milk; plum jam; knaeckebrot

breakfast: CADA with sheeps milk yoghurt, plus lemon and parsley juice
lunch: spinach pastries, steamed artichokes with hollandaise sauce
dinner: lamb shoulder with preserved lemon and dates
dessert: leftover dessert from the night before (if there's any left!)
essentials: spinach pastries (to go in the freezer for lunches and snacks)

breakfast: CADA with sheeps milk yoghurt, plus carrot and orange juice
lunch: salami, cheese, cucumber sticks, snowpeas, cherry tomatoes
dinner: sushi (homemade)
dessert: yoghurt with fresh fruit
essentials: pasta

breakfast: banana 'ice cream' smoothies and fresh fruit
lunch: spinach pastries, carrot sticks and capsicum sticks
dinner: cutlets for T; leftovers for me when I get home from work
dessert: fruit salad
essentials: bread; raw almond milk

breakfast: buckwheat and millet porridge
lunch: salami, cheese, veggie sticks
dinner: creamy mussels with pasta and Jo's raw pasta sauce
dessert: cacao pistachio florentine and mint ice cream sandwich
essentials: raw garlic bread

breakfast: CADA with sheeps milk yoghurt and juice from whatever fruit we have left
lunch: peanut butter roll, cherry tomatoes, snowpeas
dinner: cashew chicken curry (from the indian cookbook) with mock rice and Jo's spelt tortillas (I am so obsessed with these tortillas, and the mock rice!! They are both absolutely scrumptious!)
dessert: ice cream sandwiches again

breakfast: CADA with sheeps milk yoghurt and juice from whatever fruit we have left
lunch: jam rolls, veggie sticks
dinner: pasta with raw pasta sauce and grated raw veggies

Mmmmmm, it's going to be a yummy week! I hope everyone else is planning lots of delicious meals too. Remember to head over to Quirky Cooking to get more inspiration, and then get planning!
And if you haven't already, head over to the HHH facebook page, click 'like', and share the page with your friends! I've had such wonderful support so far, and I thank you all for that. Have a wonderful week! :)


  1. I'm so curious about the pine needle powder - how did it taste in the mushroom risotto? Did the kids like it? Must try it sometime :)

  2. It was very yummy! Worked really well with the mushrooms, too. It was only a really subtle taste, it didn't overwhelm the whole dish. Tyler practically inhaled it, and asked for seconds before I'd finished my own serving - so yeah, I'd say it was a hit!! :)
    I've also put it in shortbread and in cinnamon scrolls, but I'm still working on the exact proportions. It's pretty good stuff!
